Friday, 16 September 2011

7 text for friendship..

http://matcuoi.com1)--> It's not ur money that i like,
or the smart brain inside ur head
but it's simply coz u care.
I hope g0d bless u like God bless me
by having a FRIEND like u..

http://matcuoi.com2)-->You can eat n drink together,
talk n laugh together,
enjoy life together,
but u are only real friends when u also cried

http://matcuoi.com3)-->Dreams are to be Forgotten,
Reality to be Lived,
desire to be fulfilled & destiny to be Reached,
where it begin there it will end,
Friends from start,Friends till the end.

http://matcuoi.com4)-->FriEndSHip iS a PRiCeLeSs giFt tHat cAn't Be BoUgHt 0r SoLd,
BuT To Have An UnDeRsTaNdiNG FriEnd iS FaR MoRe WoRtH tHaN

http://matcuoi.com5)-->Friend are like the backbone if u get rid of them,
u cannot stand.

http://matcuoi.com6)-->TITANIC was although a big ship, but it still sunk.So what is
the best ship?The best ship is still FRIEND-SHIP!!!

http://matcuoi.com7)-->Without humor,life sucks.Whitout courage,life ishard.
Without love,life is hopeless.Without friends like YOU,
Life is impossible!

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